BUILDING DWELLING THINKING By reading Heidegger’s writing I realized some significant points. First of all, what you consider home is very relative. Home may be your workplace in the future , or simply a place where you feel comfortable. So, in conclusion it doesn’t matter if the place doesn’t have a sofa, a television, a buffet, an oven or all the other dwelling services. The importance is that these building which we call home,except our home where we live in, do serve the man’s dwellings for different purposes. This is exactly what Heidegger discusses in this reading. According to Heidegger “For building is not merely a means and a way toward dwelling-to build is in itself already to dwell”. In other words we take dwelling and building as two separate activities. One thing that Heidegger uses in his reading is the mentioning of language. It is the language that tells us about the essence of a thing. Language helps us to understand better the origin of the...