
Showing posts from December, 2017
Daylight in Architecture When we see a house for the first time, the interior rooms, first thing we notice or which draw our attention is the light entering the building. So vision is the primary sense through which we experience architecture and light is the medium that allows us to perceive space, form, texture and color. Light is the soul of architecture design. Light allows us to see, to know where we are and what around us. Beyond exposing things to view and feel, light models those objects to enhance visual and to help us define the physical world. Nothing would be visible without light, light also makes it possible to express and show to the mind's eye things that eludes the physical one. Light helps us redefine the relationships of people with the environment and with themselves. It is divided into natural light and artificial light. Natural light is a gift of nature. We will see how architects use the natural light. Have you ever tried to move the curtains in the wi...
3D composition 36×36×36 (Homework )
Arch 101 (Homework)
3D composition  (Arch 101 , Homework)
Scale and proportion By scale we understand the size of an object in comparison with other objects. We often compare the size of an object with the size of our body. The first one to have studied scale and proportion in detail was Rasmussen. Earlier in the past there was Pythagora who had studied scale. As a result we always compare one thing to another. Scale has a mathematical meaning too. It means the measure between an object and a measurable quantity . In architecture scale refers to the relationship between the drawing of the building and its real size. We have a few types of scales: - Visual scale  (It doesn't refer to the actual size of things , but rather to how small or large something appears in relation to its actual size.) -Hierarchical scale (It refers to the variety of sizes in a art composition to show their importance. Usually bigger means important and smaller means less important. For example we can mention the walls in Egyptian temples ,the pharaohs are alwa...